Hy Lisp

Examples of Lisp, and discussion of video of final project

How does Common Lisp differ from Scheme? Typically:

  • Lisp often has Dynamic Scope vs. Scheme always has Lexical Scope
  • Syntax differences (Lisp has defn vs. Scheme's define ... (lambda ...))
  • Lisp is large and unwieldy
  • Scheme is and elegant
  • Lisp is practical
  • Scheme is beautiful
  • Lisp uses nil for "empty list"; it is also false
  • Scheme uses '() for "empty list"; only #f is false
  • Lisp uses different scopes for variables and functions !?

How does Hy Lisp differ from Common Lisp?

  • Hy Lisp has Python's scoping rules, lexically scoped ... sorta
  • Hy Lisp is really just Python with different syntax
  • Hy Lisp uses Python's stack for function calls --- no trampoline, or Tail Call Elimination, etc.
  • Hy Lisp has Lisp-if and Python-if

Videos and Blogs

  1. http://technicae.cogitat.io/2014/11/scientific-computing-with-hy.html - Hy computing
  2. http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/bollwyvl/hy_kernel/blob/master/notebooks/Tutorial.ipynb - Hy notebook
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7hTimGmGBs - Hy video
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P76Vbsk_3J0 - Clojure video
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Vq2rcjWbTc - Animvs video

Final Project + Video Rubric

  • Quality - 20%
  • Programming Languages integration - connection to PL ideas, such as scope, continuations, internals, closures, parser, lexer, interpreter, etc. - 20%
  • Introduction to new language - 20%
  • Code and documentation effort - 20%
  • Conversation on videos - 20%

Bonus: up to 10%, examples:

  • creativity
  • effective use of media (eg, animations, varied video sequences)
  • extensive docs, code integration

Due: Monday, Dec 15, 2014 8am

Notebook on Hy Lisp:


In [1]:
%%file ~/.ipython/kernels/hy/kernel.json

  "argv": ["python", "-m", "hy_kernel.hy_kernel", "-f", "{connection_file}"],
  "display_name": "Hy Lisp",
  "language": "hy",
  "codemirror_mode": "hy",
  "language_info": {
    "name": "hy",
    "codemirror_mode": {
      "name": "hy"
    "mimetype": "text/x-hylang",
    "pygments_lexer": "ipython3"
  "help_links": [
      "text": "Hy Documentation",
      "link": "http://docs.hylang.org/"
      "text": "Hy Google Group",
      "link": "https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/hylang-discuss"
      "text": "Hy Github",
      "link": "https://github.com/hylang/hy"
Created file '/home/dblank/.ipython/kernels/hy/kernel.json'.


In [ ]:
(defn simple-conversation ()
   (print "Hello!  I'd like to get to know you.  Tell me about yourself!")
   (setv name (raw_input "What is your name? "))
   (setv age (raw_input "What is your age? "))
   (print (+ "Hello " name "!  I see you are "
             age " years old."))

In [1]:
(defn fact (n)
    (if (= n 1)
        (* n (fact (- n 1)))))
In [2]:
(fact 5)
In [17]:
((let [[x 5]] 
   (lambda () (+ x 1))))
In [33]:
(defn display (v) (print v) 'ok)
    (display (fact 900))
    (catch [e Exception] 'ok)
;;    (else (print "no errors"))
    (finally 'ok)
In [34]:
(defn display (v) (print v) 'ok)
    (display (fact 1000))
    (catch [e Exception] 'ok)
;;    (else (print "no errors"))
    (finally 'ok)

Cool Macro tricks

"Threading Macro" from Clojure

sh is a Python library that wraps up shell commands as Python functions.

  • cat - concatenate
  • grep - search
  • wc - word/character/line count

In Python, you would write:

from sh import cat, grep, wc

wc(grep(cat("/usr/share/dict/words"), "-E", "^hy"), "-l")

In Hy Lisp:

In [29]:
(import [sh [cat grep wc]])
In [31]:
(wc (grep (cat "/usr/share/dict/words") "-E" "^hy") "-l")
In [2]:
(-> (cat "/usr/share/dict/words") (grep "-E" "^hy") (wc "-l"))

How is Hy implemented?

From hy_kernel.py:

class HyKernel(IPythonKernel):
   def do_execute(self, code, *args, **kwargs):
        Generate python code, and have IPythonKernel run it, or show why we     
        couldn't have python code.                                              
            tokens = tokenize(code)
            _ast = hy_compile(tokens, '__console__', root=ast.Interactive)
            _ast_for_print = ast.Module()
            _ast_for_print.body = _ast.body
            code = astor.codegen.to_source(_ast_for_print)
        except Exception as err:
            if (not hasattr(err, 'source')) or not err.source:
                err.source = code
            # shell will find the last exception                                
            # an empty code cell is basically a no-op                           
            code = ''
        return super(HyKernel, self).do_execute(code, *args, **kwargs)


Hy Philosophy:

(defmacro -> [head &rest rest]
  (setv ret head)
  (for* [node rest]
    (if (not (isinstance node HyExpression))
      (setv node `(~node)))
    (.insert node 1 ret)
    (setv ret node))

Scheme Philosophy

  (define-syntax ->
   [(-> ?a) ?a]     
   [(-> ?a (?b . ?args) . ?rest)
    (-> (?b ?a . ?args) . ?rest)])
In [6]:
(-> '"hello"  (+ "!") .upper str)